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‘Dishonored 2’ review

'Dishonored 2' nails supernatural stealth just as well as the beloved original

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‘Dishonored 2’
MSRP $59.99
“Dishonored 2 gives fans even more of the innovative gameplay that made us fall in love with the original.”
  • Fun and flexible stealth/action gameplay
  • Beautifully detailed world-building
  • High replayability
  • Subtly stylized visual design
  • Forgettable main story
  • Wooden voice acting

Dishonored was a revelation when it came out in 2012. A first-person action/stealth title in the tradition of Thief, many compared it to BioShock (also in the lineage of Looking Glass Studio’s PC games), similarly setting a high bar for combining tight gameplay design and exquisite world-building. Taken it as a given that Arkane would follow up with a sequel, Dishonored 2 arrives with years of high expectations. Although it doesn’t raise the stakes in any surprising ways, Dishonored 2 handily matches its predecessor, providing more of the excellent gameplay that we loved so much in 2012.

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Here we go again

In broad strokes, the plot of Dishonored 2 is virtually indistinguishable from its predecessor. Selfish and terrible aristocrats have launched a coup against the imperial throne of Dunwall (a steampunk London analog), now occupied by the young Emily Kaldwin, whose mother, Empress Jessamine Kaldwin, was assassinated at the beginning of the first game. You can choose to play as Emily herself, reclaiming her throne, or step back into the shoes of Dishonored protagonist Corvo Attano, Emily’s father and the Royal Protector.

From a narrative standpoint, the game makes far more sense as Emily’s story of loss and redemption. That the player automatically starts from her perspective in the game’s opening moments suggests that the developers feel this way as well. Corvo’s perspective makes for a much more literal retread of the first game as he overthrows the conspirators, restores his honor and rescues his daughter.

The main story is fine, but forgettable–a rote tale of evil rising up and good beating it back.

Whomever you choose, your counterpart is essentially frozen in carbonite from that point onward. The two characters have different powers, but the story will play out the same way, more or less, regardless. As Corvo or Emily, you’ll flee to the vaguely Mediterranean city of Karnaca to investigate and dismantle the organization that deposed your family’s empire. The game’s plot is fine, but ultimately forgettable. Whether you choose to play as Emily or Corvo, it’s a rote tale of evil rising up and good beating it back.

The flat storytelling becomes even more apparent when you take into the account the fact that the game features an all-star voice acting cast. Hollywood notables like Rosario Dawson, Vincent D’Onofrio, and Sam Rockwell populate the cast, but you wouldn’t necessarily know based on their wooden performances. While the script may not be doing them any favors, much of the dialogue feels like it’s being delivered in a vacuum.

As more notable actors have started to appear in video games (as opposed to dedicated voice actors like Jennifer Hale), the skill gap between games and film/television for working with actors is becoming more and more apparent — Ken Levine’s background in theater was arguably key in getting such solid performances out of Booker and Elizabeth. None of this is especially egregious, but it does seem like a poor return on investment for how much that cast must have cost.

Still, with extensive side quests in every level, notes to read, conversations to overhear, and environmental storytelling through the placement of objects, Karnaca feels richly painted. While sneaking around a mansion in search of the master key, we pickpocketed a butler, only to find a note from his jilted lover who left their lord’s service recently to join a local gang that we’d just been dealing with outside. The somewhat rote main story fades into the background, which is fine when the moment-to-moment experience of the game provides such a wonderful sense of place.

Powers overwhelming

While the story squarely whelms, Dishonored 2 excels where it counts; gameplay. The first game’s potent blend of supernaturally enhanced stealth and action returns, and remains the series’ greatest strength. Corvo’s powers from the first game (Blink, Possession, Devouring Swarm, etc) are all reprised for players that want to face new challenges with a familiar toolkit. Apart from a single skill and some passive upgrades, Emily has an entirely separate set of skills, effectively doubling the number of potential approaches to the game. Instead of Blink, Emily’s Far Reach pulls her about the same distance as Blink with shadowy tentacles, which allows the level design to support both characters more easily, but their similarities end there. Where Corvo’s abilities tend to be more about isolating and dealing with individuals, Emily’s powers reflect her role as empress by allowing her to manipulate multiple guards at once, such as by Mesmerizing them with a hypnotic totem, or by literally linking their fates together with Domino.

As in the first game, The crux of the Dishonored II experience is in finding unique and interesting ways to use your powers. The real fun comes from experimenting with your powers and tools, finding playful and creative ways to overcome what the game throws at you. For instance, three guards can be linked up with Domino, and then tied to your Doppelganger–when they chase it down and stab it to death, they inadvertently murder themselves. Both characters provide interesting options for both stealthy and murderous approaches without an obviously best way to do anything. It’s entirely possible to play through the game without being seen, killing anyone, or even without using any supernatural abilities. That emphasis on flexibility is central to what was so good about the first game, and has only been expanded here.

Sneaky bastard

Good stealth gameplay relies on both level design and enemy AI, and Dishonored 2 excels at both. In order to encourage variable approaches, its levels are designed in an open and redundant way that leads them to feel more like places instead of strictly levels designed around your objectives. Guards will not only freak out at the sight of bodies, but respond to subtler cues of your interference, like open doors and guards missing from their posts. They search well outside of their predetermined routes once their interest is piqued, leading you to rarely feel safe. In all, it stands out as a much more organic and compelling stealth experience than even other recent top-tier stealth games, such as Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, where you could stash bodies and hide just outside of established patrol routes with little fear.

Dishonored 2 excels where it counts; gameplay. 

The levels are all multi-faceted and open, being somewhat larger than the areas of the first game. They generally include an initial, public zone in one of Karnaca’s districts, laced with collectible runes and bonecharms, a black market shop, and a few sidequests to encourage for players to explore. It provides many of the benefits of open world design, but in a focused level structure. While not quite as expansive as the clockwork playgrounds of the recent Hitman reboot, Dishonored 2’s levels feel like they are a part of a larger world.

And yet, the game does its level-best to explicitly break the game into discrete chunks. Each level ends with a mission report that offers stats, a checklist of collectibles, and achievements, which push players to replay levels many times, not only to explore, but to encourage the speed- and challenge-based runs that became a huge part of how many players enjoyed the first game long after its release.

That system, however, runs counter to game’s linear structure. It doesn’t make a difference for that first playthrough, but the game begs for some kind of new game plus or arcade mode to be unlocked after completing the campaign, which would allow players to retry particular levels with different power distributions or challenging new conditions. Publisher Bethesda announced that the developer will add a new game plus feature to Dishonored 2 post-release, but the feature was not active during our review.

Our Take

Restrictive structure and forgettable plot aside, Dishonored 2 is as solid a by-the-book sequel as you could ask for. It takes the excellent foundation of the first game and offers more: Bigger levels, new abilities, and more gameplay. It will necessarily not make as big a splash as its more innovative predecessor, but that shouldn’t in any way diminish how much fun you will have playing it.

Is there a better alternative?

The original Dishonored, which has been remastered for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, is still excellent, so new players may want to start there, but it’s by no means a requirement for understanding Dishonored 2.

How long will it last?

Our first playthrough took about 20 hours to complete, but we expect to go through a few more times before we’re done. Plus, the expected DLC this should keep many players occupied for several years.

Should you buy it?

Yes. This is a well-crafted sequel to an excellent game that anyone interested in narrative-driven first-person games should check out.

This review was written based on the PC version of the game, with a code provided by the publisher.

Will Fulton
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Will Fulton is a New York-based writer and theater-maker. In 2011 he co-founded mythic theater company AntiMatter Collective…
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Smite 2 roles, explained
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Smite 2 sticks to most of what made the first Smite so successful, including all of the basic gameplay mechanics and design philosophies the popular MOBA is best known for. However, this sequel has changed the way roles work, doing away with the original's class-based design in favor of a loose and flexible system that allows you to use any god in any role if you build and play them correctly. While there are still gods best suited for certain roles, the creativity this extra freedom allows can be very rewarding for new and returning players alike. Here's what you need to know about each role in Smite 2.
The Solo roster is comprised of characters designed for, well, the Solo lane. Because this is a 1v1 lane, your goal is to clear waves more quickly while also dealing as much damage to your opponent as possible. Because you need to equally be able to survive their incoming attacks, you'll generally want to focus on a Bruiser-style build, which consists of both offensive and defensive items. Counterbuilding is more important here than in nearly any other role, as you'll spend quite a lot of time engaged in a battle of attrition seeing who can force the other person out of the lane to score a few hits on a tower. Later in the game, you'll become a frontliner alongside the Support to help control the flow of teamfights.
Recommended god for newbies:
Chaac offers low cooldowns, solid lane clear, and a powerful area-of-effect ult that is easy to land and silences foes momentarily. He also has sustainability via an ability that self-heals.
The Jungle role is among the hardest to master in Smite 2, as you'll spend your time rotating around the map and learning when you need to rush to the aid of your teammates. This is a job for those who enjoy playing as an assassin of sorts by ganking enemy players from each of the three lanes. However, it's not as easy as just being a killing machine because you'll also need to quickly and consistently farm jungle camps throughout the map while you plan to make those moves on out-of-position foes. If you aren't clearing camps (or have them stolen by the enemy Jungler), you'll fall behind in level and make things more difficult on your team. It can take quite some time to learn how to play Jungle effectively, but when you do, you can turn the tides of a match in mere moments.
Recommended god for newbies:
Thor offers an easy-to-hit stun and straightforward kit designed to deal huge damage. Additionally, his ultimate ability allows him to cover a lot of ground to catch unsuspecting opponents.
The Middle role is among the most important in a match of Conquest because the Middle lane is a central convergence spot for large team pushes. Your goal here is to clear your lane very quickly and keep your opponent pushed back to their tower as much as possible so that your team can use your lane as a way to cross back and forth to other lanes without much fear of repercussions. Winning the Middle lane can often be what leads your group to victory, as it will funnel both teams to the center of the map to engage in a large-scale battle that, if your team plays well, could result in a deicide (team wipe) for your foes. In the late-game, this is likely to give you a chance to take down their titan and wrap up the match.
Recommended god for newbies:
Kukulkan has excellent lane clearing capabilities, an attack that slows foes hit, and a very hard-hitting ultimate ability. His dash can also let him get in and out of engagements quickly.
The Support role is exactly what it sounds like: supporting your team and setting them up for success. You'll begin matches in the Duo lane with your Carry, but as the match progresses and they're clearing the lane alone, you'll need to move around the map to assist others, too. Support gods tend to have abilities that lock enemies down or displace them so that your team can dish out massive damage. Depending on the god, though, you may also need to help via healing or bolstering your team with stat-boosting abilities. Your job as a Support isn't to earn the largest damage numbers at the end of a match, but you'll be every bit as important to your team's success as those who do.
Recommended god for newbies:
Khepri provides a lot of control opportunities via a stun and a grab, both of which are fairly easy to land. Plus, his ultimate ability can be used to save himself or another player from death.
The Carry role is designed to provide your team with a deadly damage dealer that can quite literally carry the team to victory in the late-game. Your goal is to begin in Duo lane with a Support and work diligently at scoring a few early kills while farming your lane. In most cases, you won't be majorly powerful in that early part of the match, but your damage will begin to ramp up rapidly after you've built 3-4 items, allowing you to spring into action in later teamfights and rapidly destroy your opponents. All of this damage will help you take down objectives quickly as well, making you a vital component of your team's strategy beginning around the 15-20 minute mark and beyond as they work hand-in-hand with you to shred through anything in your path.
Recommended god for newbies:
Cupid can provide support for himself and others via healing, has a dash for quick escapes, and can dish out solid auto-attack damage. His wide area-of-effect ultimate ability can even slow enemies down for big damage opportunities.

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