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Google Reader

google reader mourners rejoice rss is back sort of alerts

Google Reader mourners, rejoice! The RSS feeder is back… sort of

Google has brought back the Feed option for Alerts, so you don't have to worry about your email being monopolized by Web search results anymore.
feedly pro is it worth the cost screen shot 2013 08 05 at 10 48 11 am

Feedly wants $5 to definitively replace your Google Reader – is it worth it?

the old reader to close

The Old Reader goes all the way in emulating Google Reader – it’s closing

ways to save your google reader data before it permanently disappears broken heart

As if losing Google Reader wasn’t enough, Google quietly kills off Alerts via RSS, too

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The lights go out on Google Reader

ways to save your google reader data before it permanently disappears takeout

How to save your Google Reader data – before it’s too late

On the day of Google Reader’s death, Bloglovin adds new social features to fill out its RSS service

Google Reader is dead but the race to replace the RSS feed is very alive

Google Reader is dead but the race to replace the RSS feed is very alive

Digg Reader coming June 26, just before Google Reader shutters for good on July 1

facebook mysterious invite

Facebook is announcing a new product next week, and we think we know what it is

feedly enhance own service in effort to become go google reader replacement

Feedly enhances its RSS service in effort to become go-to Google Reader replacement


If Google is going to be a defacto monopoly, it needs to start acting like one

best google reader alternatives web

Best Google Reader alternatives

Google Reader is officially getting the axe, but that doesn't mean all hope is lost. We've picked the best RSS service alternatives so you can feel at home.

Weather advisory: Google Reader proves that cloud apps can just … blow away

The shows we watch, the tools we use, and the services we communicate with could disappear at any time now that we’re hooked on cloud computing. Whoops.
google reader will die on july 1 rip

Petition to save Google Reader racks up 125k signatures, while 500k switch to Feedly

zite builds google reader alternative logo 1

Hands on: Zite has already created a Google Reader alternative

You RSS-lovers can ease your troubled minds. Another alternative to doomed Google Reader is born, this time courtesy of Zite. Here's how you can try it.
google reader plus traffic vs

Google Reader drives more traffic to websites than Google Plus, according to BuzzFeed

Whew! Digg is building a replacement for Google Reader

Google Reader will be put to rest by July 1, but Digg plans to pick up where Google left off and build a reader fit for 2013.
Google Reader

Google+ may have ultimately killed Google Reader

please dont go petitions to save google reader hit the web logo

Please don’t go! Petitions to save Google Reader hit the Web

google reader will die on july 1 rip

Google Reader set to die on July 1, and everyone’s freaking out

Google's RSS service Google Reader will be "powering down" on July 1. People are not happy.
grumpy cat hates sxsw

Enough! Here are a few ways to mute the SXSW madness

Are you overwhelmed with the amount of SXSW news? Try one of these tricks and get ahead of the overload.

Google releases holiday Easter Egg: Let it Snow


Google rolls out Reader redesign, integrated Google Plus sharing


Overdue: Google Reader to get design revamp, Google+ integration next week

Google Labs Body Browser

‘More wood behind fewer arrows’: Google to shutdown Google Labs