The movie centers on Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII, the father of Final Fantasy XV protagonist Noctis, and the ruler of the kingdom of Lucis. His elite guard are known as the Kingsglaive, and draw upon his special powers to help defend their way of life against the insidious Niflheim Empire.
Square Enix has assembled a rather impressive English-speaking cast for the film, sourcing stars from two of the most acclaimed television series in recent years. Aaron Paul (Breaking Bad) takes the lead as Kingsglaive member Nyx Ulric, while Sean Bean and Lena Headey (Game of Thrones) play prominent supporting roles.
It certainly seems that the studio has some confidence in the film, as it’s set receive a limited run theatrical release in the United States, according to a report from Engadget. Select theaters in California, Florida, New York, Texas, Virginia, and Washington will screen the movie from August 19, with more locations apparently set to be announced in the coming weeks.
This isn’t the first time that Square Enix has released a film in cinemas. In 2001, the studio released the similarly star-studded Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, but the movie was critically maligned and turned out to be a box office bomb — but Kingsglaive looks more promising.
If you’re not close enough to get to a theater that’s showing Kingsglaive next month, all is not lost. The movie is set to debut via digital download services on August 30, and a Blu-ray and DVD release will follow on October 4.