Chances are you spend way too much of your day at a desk, either for work or simply because that is where you are set up to use your computer. Getting away from your desk and moving to the couch or a nice chair on your porch can be a nice break from the confines of a restricting desk environment.
But unfortunately, laptops can be hot on your legs, and it’s not easy to work without a solid surface if you use a mouse or other peripheral. This is where the LapDesk, a new Kickstarter campaign, comes into the picture.
The LapDesk is being developed by A Ukraine-based company called Timber Tales, with the hope of raising around $10,000 through the crowdsourcing campaign. At its base level, the LapDesk is a wood slab that will act as a mini desk on your lap while you work away from the desk. It features a nice leather area for using a mouse or placing a notepad, as well as a place for putting your phone (with a convenient hole to allow for easy charging cable pass through), and holes under the area where you can place your laptop to allow for airflow and to act as a barrier between you and what could potentially be a hot and uncomfortable laptop surface.
Timber Tales estimates that the product will retail for just north of $100 once it is ready to go, but if you back the Kickstarter campaign you can get your hands on one for as little as $65. For a solid piece of oak with quality oil varnish and convenience features to make your couch office dream a reality, it seems like it could be something worth looking into — especially if you are one of those Netflix-and-work kind of people.
You can get the full details on the LapDesk over on Kickstarter, here.