One of the easiest ways to improve the photographs you capture is to work on composition. Something as simple as following the rule of thirds can take a photo from “good” to “great” with only a little more effort.
It’s easy enough to look up the various rules of composition, but sometimes real-world examples help more than anything. It’s for that reason Raymond Thi created Geometric Shots, a website dedicated to collecting and detailing geometrically composed stills from iconic films and TV shows.
What’s clever about the site is its organization structure. If you’re simply looking for a little random inspiration, you can scroll through the site and check out the latest annotated stills Thi has uploaded. If you have a specific composition style in mind, you can narrow down your search using the menu or search options, both of which rely on a set of tags to categorize each “rule” or “guide” seen in the still frame.
Currently, Thi offers the following categories as options in the menu: Triangle, quadrant, circle, vanishing point, symmetry, diagonal, halves, and thirds.
Geometric Shots is a simple website, but it’s the lack of fluff that makes it a great resource for those bite-sized pieces of inspiration. Between it and the other social media resources Thi shares his annotated stills on, there’s no reason you can’t keep up with little snippets of real-world examples you can follow to step up your own photography game.
To see the full collection of images, head on over to the Geometric Shots website. You can also follow along with the latest posts on its Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook page.