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Return to Monkey Island: How to find all LeChuck’s secrets

Guybrush on the brink of death in the forest.
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Welp, Guybrush has once again found himself in a rather tough spot. Thankfully, this time, anyway, he's able to align himself with a new group of pirates to help him get his adventure back on track after nearly getting his hands on what he thought was the secret of Monkey Island. This crew actually has the real map of the secret's location, but there's a problem: it's magically sealed. If you can help them out, they will take you to its location.

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30 minutes

What You Need

  • All seven skulls on Monkey Island

What they need you to do, though, is discover not one but three of LeChuck's secrets to perform a magic spell to unseal the map. This will require you to not only find a way back onto LeShip, but also discover LeChuck's favorite food, his catchphrase, and his theme song. This is quite a process, so don't feel bad if you need some help. Here's how to find all of LeChuck's secrets in Return to Monkey Island.

A blond pirate reaches his hand up the side of a ship in Return to Monkey Island
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How to get back on LeShip

It should be obvious by now, but you won't exactly be welcome back on LeShip, meaning you're going to have to sneak back aboard to uncover the three secrets. Here's how to get Guybrush back on board.

Step 1: Talk to your new pirate friends at the giant monkey head on the east side of Monkey Island.

Step 2: After exhausting all their dialogue, go to the volcano beach on the west side of the island.

Step 3: Walk into the ocean.

Step 4: Go past the anchor to grab a seventh skull before climbing the anchor.

Step 5: Move all the way to the left.

Step 6: Climb down the rudder to where Gullet is.

Guybrush talking to a zombie.
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Step 7: Speak to Gullet and ask him about his notebook.

Step 8: Keep speaking to him about it until you can offer to help him write a poem.

Step 9: Ask to see his poems first, but he'll refuse.

Step 10: Give Gullet the business card from the Museum Curator.

Step 11: Gullet will give you a book of poems.

Step 12: Go all the way back to the giant monkey head.

Step 13: Give the book of poems to the pirates, who will use it to disguise you as Gullet.

Step 14: Backtrack to LeShip, this time climb up over the railing instead of down to Gullet.

A pirate serving a tentacle meal.
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How to find LeChuck's favorite food

With your disguise, you're free to roam about LeShip once again. First up, let's find out what LeChuck likes to dine on most.

Step 1: Go to the galley and talk to Putra.

Step 2: She will tell you LeChuck's favorite food is tentacles with daisy sauce, but they're all out of tentacles.

Step 3: Head all the way back to the beach near the volcano.

Step 4: On the right end of the screen is a dead squid.

Step 5: Use your knife on the squid to get a tentacle.

Step 6: Bring the tentacle to Putra so she can cook it for you.

Guybrush in the captains cabin.
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How to find LeChuck's catchprase

We've got the meal all packed up, so now it's time to learn this pirate's catchphrase.

Step 1: Go inside LeChuck's cabin (he's not inside).

Step 2: Pick up the book on the shelves to the right of his chair.

Step 3: Read the entry from April 10.

Step 4: This will tell you to read the entry from February 17 in his diary.

Step 5: Read this page to get the catchphrase.

Guybrush getting sheet music.
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How to find LeChuck's theme song

Finally, what pirate doesn't have a catchy theme song?

Step 1: Ring the ship's bell once to call the crew for a vote.

Step 2: When Flair and the others gather, sneak past to where she was and grab the sheet music.

A map to the secret.
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With all the secrets collected, head back to the giant monkey head and talk to the pirates. You'll need to use all those skulls we collected to play the theme song, say the catchphrase at the ritual table, and then eat the tentacles. With all that done, the map will tell you the true location of the secret of Monkey Island.

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox has been a writer at Digital Trends for over four years and has no plans of stopping. He covers all things…
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