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The best Wishstones in Lies of P

Whether it is a FromSoftware game or a title from another developer, like Lies of P, each entry in the Soulslike genre adds a few new mechanics to stand out and bring a new flavor to the formula. On the surface, you might expect the whole Pinocchio thing to be enough for this game to stand out, but the team took things a few steps further. Aside from a unique take on the weapons system and lore, Lies of P has special items called Wishstones that can grant you powerful buffs. These stones can only be obtained by trading Golden Coin Fruits with a specific NPC, and are consumed upon use. To make sure you’re able to maximize the benefits, here are the best Wishstones you should be using in Lies of P.

The best Wishstones in Lies of P

Lies of P customization

There are a total of 13 possible Wishstones to get, but not all are immediately available. If you see some you can’t get quite yet, keep playing until you beat the Black Rabbit Brotherhood. Once that’s done, all Wishstones will be available for sale.Here are thebest ones:

Recovery Wishstone

This is the first Wishstone you can get and is one you will probably want to keep at all times. The function here is simple: to passively restore your health for a short amount of time. Since Pulse Charges are so valuable, and you will run out very fast while exploring new areas or fighting bosses, this is a fantastic backup healing option. You do still need to play carefully, and time it right to make the most of it, but more healing is always needed in Lies of P.

Friendship Wishstone

While Lies of P doesn’t allow for co-op like some other soulslike games, it does still have a summoning system where you can bring in NPCs to help you take down the cast of challenging bosses. These summons are called Specters, who will do their best to help, but they typically don’t last all that long in a fight. If you’re willing to use a Wishstone slot, the Friendship Wishstone can keep your loyal companion in the fight longer by giving them a bit of healing.

Courage Wishstone

Fable Arts are your more powerful, weapon-specific moves that consume a part of your Fable Bar to use. This makes it so you can’t simply spam your most powerful attacks all the time, but sometimes you need that extra damage output to ekeout a victory. The Courage Wishstone makes that Fable Bar recharge much faster, allowing you to unleash those powerful moves more often.

Frenzy Wishstone

Back on the Specter side of things, these helpers are lacking when it comes to survivability, so you might as well make them pack a stronger punch to pull their weight before getting crushed. This Frenzy Wishstone fires them up to deal more damage. They won’t be able to solo a boss for you or anything, but in a game like this, every single point of damage can mean the difference between victory and defeat.

Provocation Wishstone

What if you’re feeling a little more … cruel toward your Specter? There’s no shame in it since they’re only there to serve you, after all. With the Provocation Wishstone, you can put all the aggro onto your Specter, giving you some breathing room to heal, restore some Fable Arts, or just catch your breath. It also gives them a little defense buff so you don’t have to feel too bad about it.

Explosive Wishstone

You might feel a little worse about using the Explosive Wishstone, however. Once activated, any time your unsuspecting Specter gets hit, they will explode and deal a nice chunk of damage to anything caught in the blast. If you’re unsatisfied with what Specters can do for you normally, why not just turn them into a bomb?

Advance Wishstone

This Wishstone is the equivalent to the Courage Wishstone, only instead of boosting to your Fable bar, this one will help restore your Legion meter. Your various Legion arms are perhaps your greatest tool in Lies of P outside of your standard weaponry, but there’s also a material cost. Unlike Fable, Legion does not replenish itself over time naturally and only comes back when you reach a Stargazer or use another consumable. You can bypass this limitation to get a few extra uses out of it with the Advance Wishstone, which gives you a little chunk back free of charge. This is best for builds that utilize Legion Arms more often, so it won’t be a top pick for everyone.

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox loves writing, games, and complaining about not having time to write and play games. He knows the names of more…
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