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How to create a shared world in Lego Fortnite and play with friends

Fortnite characters run together in Lego Fortnite.
Epic Games

Of all the collaborations Fortnite has seen, none are quite on the same level as Lego Fortnite. Unlike the traditional game, this is a purely PvE experience rather than a Battle Royale, and is more like a Minecraft game where you are attempting to survive, build, and defeat enemies. But just because you won’t be fighting other players doesn’t mean you have to play alone. The game does support co-op with up to seven other friends, but getting your squad together works a little differently in Lego Fortnite.

How to create a shared world

The world creation screen in Lego Fortnite.
Epic Games

The easiest way to get friends into your game is to do so right from the start of Lego Fortnite. When you select this game from within Fortnite itself, press either up on your controller’s D-pad or tab on your keyboard. On the right will be the Players menu, where you can select and invite anyone on your list to join you in the lobby.

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Once as many or as few friends as you want are ready. select Create World > Start to create your shared world.

How to invite friends

If you want to bring friends into a world you’ve already started alone, the process is slightly different.

Open your menu and go into the Social tab. From here, simply find the friend you want to invite and choose to invite them to your party.

How to make friends Key Holders

Giving players keys in Lego Fortnite.
Epic Games

In both cases, it is important to note that if the one who created the world leaves, everyone invited to it will be forced out. If you want to give any of your friends the ability to continue playing in your world even when you’re not present, you need to make them a Key Holder. Whoever creates the world will have seven keys they can give out to allow players to keep playing on that server.

To make a friend a Key Holder, they must be in your server with you already. From there, open your menu and go to the Players tab. The bottom option next to Open Profile is Share Key, with an indicator telling you how many you have left. Select this option, followed by the friend(s) you want to grant keys to.

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox has been a writer at Digital Trends for over four years and has no plans of stopping. He covers all things…
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