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Apple Intelligence goes against the entire Apple ethos — in a good way

Summarization of notification and emails on iPhone with Apple Intelligence.

ChatGPT isn’t the only third-party large language model Apple hopes to incorporate into its upcoming Apple Intelligence system, the Wall Street Journal reports. Apple and Facebook’s parent company, Meta — as well as Anthropic, developers of the Claude AI — are reportedly in talks to reach a similar deal. What’s more, Reuters reports that Apple and Google have also been discussing potentially working together to bring the Gemini AI to Apple devices, as well as AI developers in China, where Google’s products are banned. Granted, no official agreement has yet been reached with any of these potential partners, and talks could very well fall through before a bargain is struck.

Apple is taking an interesting approach to structuring these partnerships, in that it is not offering to pay for the integration of any of these AI models. Instead, Apple wants to leverage its massive market share and the reach of its broad portfolio of digital devices to serve as a distribution platform for its partners. Apple would be able to integrate a wide swath of models into its offerings, reducing its reliance on a single partner, while the AI developers will reportedly be able to sell premium subscriptions for their models through Apple Intelligence.

This is a rather unusual strategy by Apple, a company that has long prided itself on developing breakthrough technologies such as Apple Silicon in-house. The company has also been historically reticent (outside of public safety matters) to partner with its competitors. By offering to team up with not one or two, but at least a half-dozen third-party AI developers at last count, is a significant departure from Apple’s typical product playbook. However, the strategy appears to be a win-win for both Apple and devs, with the former obtaining unparalleled flexibility in the number, type, and scope of models that its products can offer, while developers gain access to both a massive installed user base and reputation validation through their association with the notoriously perfectionist device maker. Whether every one of these developers will receive the same degree of access to Apple’s operating systems as OpenAI reportedly enjoys remains to be seen.

Andrew Tarantola
Andrew has spent more than a decade reporting on emerging technologies ranging from robotics and machine learning to space…
Best RAM deals: Discounted 16GB and 32GB from Corsair, Crucial
RAM inside the Starforge Navigator.

While RAM isn't as glamorous as getting the best GPU or a super-fancy CPU, it's one of the most important parts of the computer, especially if you want to have a generally smooth experience and not have to manage your open tabs and apps. In fact, RAM is important for performance, so even if you're not aiming for a high-end gaming PC, you still need to grab yourself a fair amount of RAM that runs fast and meets modern standards. Of course, if you're not quite sure what to pick, then you may want to check out our guides on how to choose the best RAM for your PC and how much RAM you need for a laptop, gaming PC, or tablet to get a better sense of what you need.

To that end, we've collected some of our favorite RAM deals below, both for DDR4 and DDR5, so you can pick the RAM that best fits your needs. If this is part of a gaming rig upgrade, check out other gaming PC deals, such as SSD deals and GPU deals.
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Google is cracking down on internet security in this big way
Connection is not private warning from Google.

Google is making some serious changes to digital certificate security on the web, the company announced on its Security blog. The big news is that Google will no longer trust certificates from two large security firms -- Entrust or AffirmTrust -- due to repeated security lapses.

According to Google, the companies, which are Certificate Authorities (CA), have demonstrated patterns of unmet improvement commitments, compliance failures, and no measurable progress in how fast the company responds to publicly disclosed incident reports.

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Free Slack users are about to lose an important feature
Manage Members in Slack on a laptop.

As mentioned in a blog post on its Help Center, Slack is changing its free accounts in one important way.

Starting August 26, 2024, Slack is erasing messages and files older than a year for users of its free app. However, free account users will retain most of their 90 days of history but must upgrade to a paid plan to access the remaining 275 days. If a free Slack account user erases files and texts after the deadline, they cannot recover them even if they upgrade to a paid plan.

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