Social media and ride sharing apps offer whole new ways for hipsters, and other people without cars, to get around. One major addition to this field is Lyft, an app that lets you get in touch with any number of people who use their private cars as taxis. It turns out that, though, that Lyft offers a lot more than just transportation. In the right hands, it’s comedy gold.
In this video, the extremely odd trio of Conan O’Brien, Ice Cube, and Kevin Hart catch a ‘Lyft’ with an unsuspecting stranger. As you might expect, hijinks ensue. The very good-humored driver is dragged on a quest to buy weed (supposedly), forties, swisher sweets, the ponciest sandwich for Conan that Wendy’s has to offer.
The video may not be entirely safe for work. That is, unless you work somewhere like Digital Trends and watching this stuff is your job. But if you do get in trouble for watching it, I recommend that you say this is actually an educational short on the perils of ride sharing. Particularly, giving rides to freakishly tall ginger comedians, gangster rappers, and pint-sized comedians.