With the success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the company is seeing more new customers flocking to its comics in recent years than it has since the ’90s comic crash. This is a different world than the world that gave birth to comics as we know them, and not everyone wants to head to the local comics shop for each new issue.
Digital comics app comiXology has become the de facto standard for digital comics, and seeing this, Amazon snapped the company up last year. Today Marvel announced that not only is it renewing its deal with comiXology, but it will be expanding the deal to sell its comics in Amazon’s Kindle store as well.
As of yesterday, there are now more than 12,000 Marvel back issues for sale in Amazon’s Kindle store, all of which can now be read without using the comiXology app. For those who prefer to use comiXology, there is no change here — new titles will still come to the app, they’re just now also available for Kindle readers.
“Marvel, comiXology and Amazon are committed to bringing Marvel’s amazing stories to current and future Marvel fans across the globe,” comiXology CEO David Steinberger said. “And this historic extension of our relationship with the expansion of Marvel’s single issues to Amazon’s Kindle platform is an enormous opportunity to reach more fans.”
In addition to comiXology, Marvel also sells digital comics through its own Marvel Comics app and Digital Comics Shop. The company also offers a separate service, Marvel Unlimited, which allows unlimited access to a huge library of back issues that are more than six months old for a $10 per month fee.
While Marvel Unlimited is a great deal for those who want to dig into the history of a character before reading a newer title or watching the latest Avengers movie, it isn’t available on Kindle Fire tablets, so this new deal is a boon for those already heavily invested in the Kindle ecosystem.
Check out your favorite Marvel comics, now on: Kindle Store