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Here’s the entire Star Wars saga condensed into a six-minute video

It’s hard to believe that we’re a mere two weeks away from seeing a new Star Wars movie in theaters, but it’s true: Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens premieres in just 14 days (or 13 days if you’re lucky to have tickets for a Thursday preview screening). With that in mind, one pair of fans took it upon themselves to make sure everyone’s up to speed on the sci-fi saga with a single-take video that condenses the entire six-film series into one six-minute recap.

Heck, even if you couldn’t care less about Star Wars, it’s an impressive feat.

Created and hosted by the Fine Brothers, the video features the pair churning through the entirety of the franchise while wearing Jedi robes and wielding lightsabers. Although their focus is on the original trilogy of films (Episode IV – A New HopeEpisode V – The Empire Strikes Back, and Episode VI – Return of the Jedi), they also manage to squeeze in a quick summary of everything relevant that happened in the three prequel films — which as any Star Wars fan will likely attest, doesn’t amount to much in terms of narrative content.

Admittedly, the pair’s narration goes a little fast at points and anyone who might be using the video to make up for not seeing a chapter or two of the saga might miss some major plot points, but the recap does seem to be aimed at fans who simply want a refresher on everything that led up to the events of The Force Awakens rather than anyone who’s never seen a Star Wars movie (if such people still exist). The entertainment factor of seeing the pair fly through more than 13 hours of big-screen narrative in a single take shouldn’t be discounted, either.

Set 30 years after the events of Star Wars: Episode VI — Return of the Jedi, The Force Awakens introduces a new set of heroes and villains to the Star Wars universe, while also bringing back a long list of fan-favorite characters from the previous films. The film stars returning cast members Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, and Kenny Baker, as well as newcomers John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, Max von Sydow, Lupita Nyong’o, Gwendoline Christie, Crystal Clarke, Pip Anderson, Christina Chong, and Miltos Yerolemou.

Star Wars: Episode VII — The Force Awakens hits theaters December 18, 2015. It will be followed on December 16, 2016, by Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, then Star Wars: Episode VIII on May 26, 2017, and the Han Solo anthology movie on May 25, 2018.

Rick Marshall
A veteran journalist with more than two decades of experience covering local and national news, arts and entertainment, and…
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace is better and worse than you remember
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1. The right epic feel and scope

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7. Darth Bane

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