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Alexa to get supercharged with AI

Alexa can now handle multiple requests in a list.
Phil Nickinson / Digital Trends

Siri isn’t the only digital assistant getting an AI update in the near future. According to sources speaking to Reuters, Amazon is reportedly planning an expansive update for its decade-old digital conversationalist that would implement a two-tier service subscription that could cost users $5 t0 $10 per month.

The new voice assistant, dubbed “Remarkable Alexa” per the sources, could arrive as soon as August 2024. The project, code-named “Banyan” after the species of large ficus tree, has become something of a pet project for CEO Andy Jassy, who promised a “more intelligent and capable Alexa” to shareholders in an April letter. The sources warned, however, that the rumored pricing and release dates could shift as we get closer to August, depending on how well the project comes together prior to that deadline.

“We have already integrated generative AI into different components of Alexa, and are working hard on implementation at scale — in the over half-a-billion ambient, Alexa-enabled devices already in homes around the world — to enable even more proactive, personal, and trusted assistance for our customers,” an Amazon spokeswoman told Reuters in a statement. Utilized primarily in Amazon TVs and Echo speakers, Alexa is most often leveraged to perform simple tasks like setting timers, remotely controlling smart home devices, reporting the weather, and answering basic user queries.

The Alexa service has long been a money pit for Amazon, having not turned a profit in any year since its debut in 2014. Like much of the rest of the industry, Amazon was caught on its heels with the release and immediate popularity of ChatGPT in 2022.

However, as other companies like Microsoft, Google, and Apple have quickly scrambled to release generative AI systems of their own, Amazon has been slow to integrate generative AI technology into its products in any meaningful way. As such, Reuters’ sources have relayed that senior management considers 2024 a “must win” year for Alexa, despite hundreds of workers having been cut from that division in late 2023.

Amazon did show of a host of prototype generative AI features during its annual device event held in Seattle last September, however, none of those functions have yet to make it into a device available to consumers. The new Remarkable Alexa would replace the current free version, what the Alexa team internally refers to as “Classic Alexa” with a separate, but still free generative AI model.

Those willing to shell out the monthly $5 to $10 fee would gain access to a more powerful model capable of answering more complex questions, drafting basic emails, and ordering food through Uber Eats — all from a single prompt and without the need to chant “Alexa” at the start of each command.

There’s no word yet on whether the subscription will offer tie-ins to Amazon’s existing $140-per-year Prime service. Whether people will be willing to start paying for a product that they were already enjoying for free — and one which can be easily replaced by any number of more capable alternatives like Siri, Gemini, or ChatGPT — remains to be seen as well.

Andrew Tarantola
Andrew has spent more than a decade reporting on emerging technologies ranging from robotics and machine learning to space…
Google’s new AI generates audio soundtracks from pixels
An AI generated wolf howling

Deep Mind showed off the latest results from its generative AI video-to-audio research on Tuesday. It's a novel system that combines what it sees on-screen with the user's written prompt to create synced audio soundscapes for a given video clip.

The V2A AI can be paired with vide -generation models like Veo, Deep Mind's generative audio team wrote in a blog post, and can create soundtracks, sound effects, and even dialogue for the on-screen action. What's more, Deep Mind claims that its new system can generate "an unlimited number of soundtracks for any video input" by tuning the model with positive and negative prompts that encourage or discourage the use of a particular sound, respectively.

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Character.AI just made talking to an avatar feel more real
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Character.AI, the hugely popular digital avatar startup, announced Thursday that users will now be able to hold real-time conversations with one of the company's multitude of AI agents by placing a free, fictionalized Character Call on the app.

The company has been building intelligent chatbots designed to engage users in interactive conversations since the company's founding in 2021. Initially, users could only interact with these characters as one would any other chatbot like Gemini or Claude, doing so via text. That changed in March 2024, when the company unveiled Character Voice, a suite of free tools including a library of more than a million AI-generated vocals built both by the team and its user community, which allowed users to speak with their selected avatars in one-on-one conversations.

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If you've recently lost files on a storage drive, you might be able to get them back with free data recovery software. It's all too easy to accidentally delete files when you select more than one at a time. Malware attacks and drive malfunctions can also cause data loss.

While that information might be inaccessible to Windows or macOS, data recovery apps perform deep scans and have advanced methods of restoring files. Even free solutions can help you get your data back from hard disk drives (HDDs), solid-state drives (SSDs), and external USB drives.

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