We all know that Vista Service Pack 1 is coming, and for many it’s a case of the sooner, the better. You can tell the release date is getting close, because Microsoft has released a list of programs – which, they admit, is not comprehensive – that experience a loss of functionality (that is, they won’twork) with Vista after SP1 has been installed. Most of them deal with security. In the case of these programs, because of compatibility issues, the following are prevented from starting (with the approval of the third-party vendors) after SP1 has been installed – BitDefender AV or Internet Security, Fujitsu Shock Sensor, Jiangmin KV Antivirus, Trend Micro Internet Security andZone Alarm Security Suite. In most cases supported versions are now available. The following programs won’t run after installing SP1, although in two cases, supported versions areavailable: Iron Speed Designer, Xheo Licensing and Free Allegiance. Finally, Microsoft says these three programs experience a major or minor loss of functionality after SP1 has been installed.Again, in two instances, supported versions are available – Rising Personal Firewall, Novell ZCM Agent and New York Times Reader. The company suggests rebooting if you run into problems. Ifthey persist, contact the software vendor.