Though the concept of putting Android, a mobile OS, on desktop PC is nothing new, one of the biggest reasons that is hasn’t taken off is that Android simply isn’t built and optimized for the desktop experience. However, a company by the name of Mobile Media Ventures (MMV) is developing Console OS, which, once released, will allow you to dual boot Android and Windows on the same computer, while taking a different approach than past attempts at this melding of the two operating systems have.
The Kickstarter page for Console OS says that it provides a version of Android that will be “remastered” for the PC, allowing you to install it on your PC’s hard drive, or run it off a USB stick. MMV says that it will also optimize Console OS so that it runs a version of Android that is friendly to touch and non-touch centric users. MMV is also at work on Console OS Pro, which will allow you to instantly switch between Android and Windows, permit remote access, and more. Console OS Pro will “typically” cost $20 per year.
MMV says that, right off the bat, Console OS will be designed to run on a multitude of laptops. This includes the Lenovo Yoga 2, Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro, Dell XPS 11, 13, and 15, and much more. You can check out the full compatibility list for Console OS here.
Console OS is well on its way to being funded. With 55 days to go before the Kickstarter campaign concludes, MMV has raised $25,979 of its $50,000 target. By pledging $10 right now, you can secure a copy of Console OS 1.0 for yourself, which will arrive this December.