Two days ago Mozilla released the fifth, and what will be the last, beta version of its Firefox 3 browser, ahead ofa final release in June. According to developers, it’s undergone more than a few tiny tweaks. Instead, there are reportedly over 750 changes, and the claim is that it will be the fastest-everFirefox. Heavy memory leakage had been a problem in the past, but testing of the fourth beta version showed the memory footprint was smaller than earlier versions, according to ZDNet, as well assmaller than both Safari and Internet Explorer. Among other features, Firefox 3 will have an automatic system that blocks pages known to be forgeries. Additionally, the browser will have anti-malwarecode as part of its structure, with parental content blocking as an option. Although many browsers currently use just two connections to a page to retrieve data, Firefox 3 will use six in orderto increase speed. The browser is said to have better integration with Windows, Mac and Linux. A release candidate of Firefox 3 will appear next month.