It’s a sign that iTunes has come of age and hit the big leagues – it’s being used for a phishing scam. Security company Proofpoint has discovered a new phishing message that asks users to go to a site and re-enter their personal data. That site, of course, is not real, but used for ID theft.
Andrew Lochart, VP of product marketing at Proofpoint, told Information Week:
"The bad guys have moved on from trying to take advantage of eBay or Citibank. I guess this means that Apple is now a top-tier Internet retailer. The bad guys are trying to use Apple’s brand to commit identity theft."
However, they’re not doing it very well. Even a quick glance at the page that comes up, provided by Proofpoint, show that when an unsuspecting user clicks on the link shows that the URL reads – quite a long way from Apple.
It might be relatively amateurish, but it shows that phishers are thinking more outside the box – and that Apple is definitely a brand to be reckoned with these days.