Yahoo and announced today that Yahoo Messenger with Voice (available for Windows) will offer ConFreeCall, a free downloadable conference call capability from Vapps. The service will enable Yahoo Messenger users to conduct free group conference calls in addition to Yahoo Messenger’s existing text, voice, and photo-sharing services. ConFreeCall will be available from the beta Yahoo Messenger plug-in gallery or from Vapps directly.
Vapps (short for "Voice over Internet Applications") says the service can handle up to 500 simultaneous participants per call—assuming tons of bandwidth all around, or course. Call moderators can control call volume and announce participants. Other features include announcing recording status, muting and unmuting participants, and controlling access to the conference line.
Vapps struck a similar deal with VoIP leaders Skype back in June, 2006. The company plans to offset the cost of the free conference calls by offering premium services, including conference recording, remote playback, and operator assistance.