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10 infamous tech flops that were way ahead of their time

With the deluge of new tech products we’re introduced to in a given year, not all of them are destined for success. Whether it’s a good idea executed badly, a great product that was too expensive, a niche item that couldn’t land an audience, or simply a futuristic idea that was way ahead of its time, here are 10 tech flops that couldn’t stick their landing.

Noble failures of tech, we salute you!

AT&T Picturephone (1970)

Debut of the First Picturephone (1970) - AT&T Archives

There was once a time when the idea of a videophone seemed every bit as futuristic and impossible as teleportation and flying cars. One of the companies that tried to change that? AT&T with its Picturephone service, launched commercially way back on June 30, 1970.

For the bargain price of just $160 a month (around $1,000 in today’s prices), plus 25 cents per minute after a “free” half hour, users could call one of the other hundred or so Picturephones scattered around the U.S. It didn’t exactly take off, although services like Skype and FaceTime show that AT&T was definitely thinking along the right lines.

Polaroid Polavision (1977)

Tony Roberts 1978 Polaroid Polavision Commercial

Imagine being able to take the instant approach to photography pioneered by Polaroid, and apply it to moving pictures. That doesn’t sound too spectacular in an age in which entire movies have been shot on smartphones, but it certainly sounded pretty impressive back in 1977.

Polavision included a camera, film, and movie viewer that let you rapidly develop your motion picture and screen it. The problem was that the movies included no sound, ran just 2.5 minutes each, and required incredibly bright light to film, due to the slow film speed. Most people went with Super 8 cameras in the short term — even though this required sending your films off to be developed. Later on, both were replaced by VHS tapes and the arrival of the camcorder.

LaserDisc (1978)

Leonard Nimoy demonstrates Magnavision LaserDisc Player

Anyone who thinks that DVD was the first disc-based home video format needs to think again! Launched all the way back in 1978, LaserDiscs offered far superior image and sound quality to VHS tapes, and pioneered the kind of movie “extras” which later became a key part of DVD and Blu-ray presentations.

Unfortunately, the discs themselves were easy to damage, the expensive LaserDisc players could be excessively loud, and there was no way to record TV shows with them. They eventually sputtered out in the 1990s.

Power Glove (1989)

Power Glove Commercial

It seems unimaginable that a product called the “Power Glove” could have ever been a commercial failure, but somehow it was. Launched by Mattel as an NES accessory in 1989, it offered users a new way of interacting with Nintendo games by way of various gestures.

Although it became a cult hit, it failed to sell at the time — and, as with several of the technologies on this list, didn’t work quite as well as advertised. Nonetheless, it’s pretty clear that this is the same concept that would later be more successfully adopted for technologies like Nintendo’s Wiimote, the PS Move, and motion controllers for the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

Apple’s Newton MessagePad (1993)

Your World, Your Newton - '90s Apple Promo Video

A line of personal data assistants (PDAs), the portable Newton MessagePad was supposed to be Apple’s next big hit after the Macintosh. Arriving in 1993, the $699 first-gen device offered handwriting recognition able to recognize 10,000 words right out of the box, some impressive A.I. abilities for scheduling meetings, infrared technology for “beaming” data to other devices, and a whole lot more.

Unfortunately, it never really caught on. Despite Apple launching a number of new models that got progressively better, a combination of early negative press and lack of easy internet connectivity meant the MessagePad is considered one of the biggest flops in Apple history.

After all, a pricey mobile device built by Apple? What kind of a nut would think that could be a hit?

Virtual Boy (1995)

(1995) Nintendo Virtual Boy Commercial

A sore subject for Nintendo, the Virtual Boy was the company’s first foray into VR, one that missed the ball in a number of ways. For starters, Nintendo’s initial asking price for the headset was around $180 (about $300 today), a hefty sum for a mobile gaming experience, especially when a gamer seeking a non-console setup could purchase a Game Boy for far less cash.

Even after spending nearly $25 million on marketing and dropping the price, Nintendo couldn’t save the fledgling Virtual Boy. Additional complaints ranged from uncomfortable headgear to primitive graphics and a number of adverse health effects, including nausea and headaches. The product would bite the dust less than a year later. While the headset lives on in the annals of forgotten hardware, Nintendo’s misstep was a crucial foot forward in the world of VR technology, with hardware and software that tech companies are continuing to revolutionize to this day.

Sony Glasstron (1996)

Image used with permission by copyright holder

Costing $900 ($1,350 today), the Sony Glasstron was a head-mounted display which promised to replicate “the viewing experience of a 52-inch TV at 6.5 feet.” Inside were twin 0.55-inch LCD screens, each one boasting a resolution of 180,000 pixels.

Slap on a pair of stereo speaker earbuds, chow down on some popcorn, and — from your perspective — it was like you were sitting in a real movie theater. From everyone else’s perspective, you looked like a bit of a dork. Oh, and it probably made you feel a bit nauseous, too.

Regardless, it’s the ancestor of today’s more successful generation of VR headsets.

WebTV and MSN TV (1996)

WebTv Commercial 1996

From the nostalgic sounds of the dial-up tone to Usenet newsgroups to the fact that we ever thought looping MIDI themes were a good quality for a website to possess, there’s plenty about the early days of the internet that we look back on with rose-tinted glasses. Something that nobody remembers fondly? Attempts to use televisions as makeshift monitors for accessing the web.

While it sounded cool and high tech, clumsy control interfaces and the generally horrible resolution of 1990s TV sets meant that this was more an exercise in frustration than anything else. The most notable attempt at a web-connected set-top box was WebTV, which offered TV-based e-mail and internet browsing via a wireless keyboard.

It was later rebranded as MSN TV by Microsoft, but failed to catch on under any name with customers. Today, of course, smart TVs are pretty much everywhere.

Sega Dreamcast (1998)

All Sega Dreamcast us commercial (Old)

It still physically pains us that the Dreamcast is not only considered a commercial flop, but that it brought an end to the video game glory days in which Sega was a maker of brilliant hardware, instead of a publisher churning out subpar Sonic the Hedgehog games.

The Dreamcast may have represented the end of an era in some ways, but it was incredibly forward-looking in other regards. The biggest one: Including a modem in every console to allow gamers from around the world to play against each other, participate in leaderboards, chat, or download content. And all back in the heady days of 1998!

HD DVD (2006)

HD DVD commercial

Remember when you could choose between HD DVD and Blu-ray? Probably not, because the format war was rather short-lived. Hoping to bring the glories of high-definition viewing to home theaters, HD DVD offered full 1080p resolution, up to 30GB of disc storage, and extras such as interactive menus and various supplemental material. Players could be purchased from Toshiba and other brands for prices ranging from $500 to $800. If you owned an Xbox 360, you could also purchase an external HD DVD reader for around $200.

However, after Warner Bros. announced that it would only support Blu-ray in the beginning of 2008, other major entertainment companies followed suit, as well as premiere big-box retailers like Best Buy and Walmart. Blu-ray discs were capable of greater storage capacity (up to 50GB per disc), and those in the market for a game system could purchase a Playstation 3, a new console that featured an onboard Blu-ray player. Buttressed by the support of the world’s leading entertainment companies, Blu-ray was the way to go if you were investing in HD. HD DVD and its affiliate hardware and content producers called it quits in early 2008.

Michael Bizzaco
Michael Bizzaco has been writing about and working with consumer tech for well over a decade, writing about everything from…
This bracelet helps you fall asleep faster and sleep longer

This content was produced in partnership with Apollo Neuroscience.
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A non-conventional approach to better sleep

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This content was produced in partnership with Apollo Neuro.
Stress, anxiety, and insomnia are all concerning things that just about everyone struggles with at one time or another. Maybe you can sleep, fending off insomnia, but you lack quality sleep and don’t feel rested in the morning. Or, maybe when it’s time to kick back and relax, you just can’t find a way to do so. There are many solutions for these issues, some work, and others don’t, but one unlikely area of support can be found in a modern, smart wearable.

Medicine is the obvious choice, but not everyone prefers to go that route. There is an answer in modern technology or rather a modern wearable device. One such device is the Apollo wearable, which improves sleep and stress relief via touch therapy. According to Apollo Neuro, the company behind the device, which is worn on your ankle, wrist or clipped to your clothing, it sends out waves of vibrations to help your body relax and reduce feelings of stress. It's an interesting new approach to a common problem that has typically been resolved via medicine, therapy, or other more invasive and time-consuming techniques. The way it utilizes those vibrations, uniquely placed and administered, to create a sense of peace, makes us ask, can it really cure what ails us? We’ll dig a little deeper into how it achieves what it does and what methods it’s using to make you feel better.

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