Not everyone will be thrilled about the idea of wearing a head-mounted video display, even if it’s a convenient way to view video stored on your iPod and even if the headset tries to look like a pair of hip sunglasses. But Myvu is betting at least some video-toting iPod fans will warm up to the idea—and there’s no denying there are times and places (planes, trains, and automobiles included) where being able to watch video and block out a lot of the surrounding environment might be a good thing.
To that end, Myvu has launched its Myvu Made for iPod solo edition, a lightweight eyewear display designed specifically to be used with Apple’s 30, 60 and 80 GB video-capable iPods. The headset provides in-ear noise reducing earbuds and a pendant control for adjusting volume and picture; what’s better, the headset can be powered directly off the iPod, although this obviously will have some impact on the iPod’s overall battery life. Myvu touts the headset viewing experience as being equivalent to watching a large screen television from six feet away—and while the Myvu does present a widescreen viewing experience, it doesn’t completely blot out the environment, so users will still be aware of things happening around them by looking above, below, and to the sides of the display.
The Myvu Made for iPod solo edition is available from and from those robotic ZoomSystems retail systems available in some airports and Macy’s department stores; they have a suggested retail price of $199.95, and come with a protective sleeve and lens cloth, with an optional battery pack and travel case sold separately. The Myvu "fully loaded" edition with battery pack, power adapter, travel case, and more, continues to be available for $299.95.