Only a few days have passed since the BBC announced it had made a deal for the Wii to carry its flagship iPlayer video-on-demandservice. There was great fanfare about the merger, and it was certainly innovative. But no longer unique. Developers claim that within a day they were able to create a patch that lets PS3 owners access iPlayer and use the games console to stream content to their televisions. Intended purely as a demonstration of how easy it was to do, thehack “does nothing more than mask your PS3’s user-agent string and makes half a dozen changes to make the JavaScript and CSS function correctly on the PS3.” The hackers have urgedtoe BBC to release a proper version of the software for the PS3, but the company claims the problem doesn’t like with it. It would like to have access for all games consoles, but both Sony and Microsoft have been reluctant since they’d have no control over content.