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Volkswagen may try to clean up ‘dieselgate’ mess with buy-back plan

As we all know, Volkswagen is in trouble after admitting to cheating on emissions tests for a huge number of cars, a scandal known as “Dieselgate.” How many? Nearly half a million in the U.S. alone. So what now? Well, VW is expected to present a plan today to buy back all the cars affected. That won’t be cheap, but in the end, it could be cheaper than the total fines VW may be facing, which quick math says may total $18 billion dollars.

For owners just too attached to their Beetles, Golfs and Jettas to let them go, VW is likely going to set up a fund to fix them, and that fund alone could be a billion dollars. Meanwhile, this is just the start of VW making amends for the vast cheating bust. The Federal Trade Commission will also want their pound of flesh for VWs ironic and downright misleading “clean diesel” ad campaign.


There’s been a ton of attention focused on virtual reality lately, but we don’t want to overlook its close cousin, augmented reality. We checked out these “Virtuali-tee” t-shirts from Curiscope. Put one on, hit the AR app and boom, instant anatomy lesson. Then, put that phone in a VR headset and you can dive even deeper into what going on, right down to the microscopic level.

The Curiscope team says this is just the beginning of their efforts, and they also offered a nifty 4K great white shark anatomy VR video as evidence. They say they want to mix VR and AR to fill the learning space between the classroom and a gaming console, because if kids – or anyone – are going to use AR and VR, might as learn something along the way, right?


The fight against cancer goes on, and researchers in Singapore say they are having success targeting anti-cancer medications using magnetic bubbles and ultrasonic vibrations. The team says they use magnets to guide the medicated bubbles and focus them on a tumor with much greater efficiency, and then use ultrasonic vibrations to burst the tiny spheres and release the medication within the tumor, making much more effective use of the medications.

Advances against cancer can’t come fast enough, and we hope these guys continue to have successful tests.

Bill Roberson
Former Digital Trends Contributor
I focus on producing Digital Trends' 'DT Daily' video news program along with photographing items we get in for review. I…
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Work/Life: How to remain focused during times of distraction
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“There’s a lot going on,” Pressler said, “so how do we focus when there’s so much going on?” The first step of gaining focus, she says, is to acknowledge what’s going on -- not just with the constant barrage of news, but with yourself. “You might not be feeling like working at 100%, and that’s ok!” she says.

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Julia Daviy

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