There are a lot of great Prime Day deals going on right now, and if you’re a Nintendo fan, then this Pokémon Shining Pearl deal will be right up your alley. If you’ve wanted to play the remakes, you can grab Shining Pearl at Amazon for just $41. At the retail price, it’s usually around $60, so this constitutes a nice $18 discount, or around 31%, so it’s perfect if you’ve been wanting to grab the game.
While you’re here, why not check out some other Nintendo Switch deals and also maybe all the Pokémon games available for the Nintendo Switch so that you can get a sense of what you’re getting yourself into with Shining Pearl.
Why you should buy Pokémon Shining Pearl
If you’re unfamiliar with them, Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are remakes of the original games that came out on the DS. For many folks, these two games were rather controversial, not because they were bad but because they were sort of transitionary. More specifically, while they tend to rank low among the best Pokémon games, fans will often mention that the Pokémon look great because of the DS technology, but the franchise feels like it’s treading water with this one.
One of the biggest changes with this remake is adding the Grand Underground, an underground cave system you can explore once you have an Explorers Kit. While you can still do the same digging in the walls to find treasures, you can now get access to rooms full of wild Pokémon that you can attack and capture. There’s also the option of creating a secret base underground, with the ability to lure different types of Pokémon based on the status you set up there.
Overall, Pokémon Shining Pearl is a great remake of a transitionary Pokémon title and is definitely worth a play if you want to experience an important part of Pokémon history, albeit with better graphics and performance. If you do end up grabbing a copy, check out these guides on how to breed Pokémon in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl and how to transfer Pokémon from Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl to Pokémon Home.