By now you’ve read all about our visit to Gearbox Software’s Texas offices. The upcoming DLC offerings and subsequent hands-on time with said DLC. The elaborate process that led to the creation of the story add-ons for Borderlands 2, and the equally elaborate process that led to the creation of character add-ons for Borderlands 2. It’s been a fun week, and we’ve still got a little bit more to share. Cast your eyes upward to see what bits of Borderlands and Borderlands 2 looked like behind the scenes, in the eyes of the artists. It’s rare to get a peek into the process. Look closely, and you’ll definitely catch a few things that you might not have expected or known about.
Want more? We’ve also got a sampling of script excerpts for you to take a peek at, complete with notes from Borderlands 2 lead writer Anthony Burch. You can grab those PDFs here, here, and here (just right-click and choose “Save As”).