“Humanity’s last safe city has fallen to an overwhelming invasion force, led by Ghaul, the imposing commander of the brutal Red Legion,” said the official Destiny 2 website. “He has stripped the city’s Guardians of their power and forced the survivors to flee. You will venture to mysterious, unexplored worlds of our solar system to discover an arsenal of weapons and devastating new combat abilities.”
It appears that Destiny 2 will take a page out of BioWare’s Mass Effect handbook, as a “dream team” of sorts will need to come together in order to combat the new threat.
“To defeat the Red Legion and confront Ghaul, you must reunite humanity’s scattered heroes, stand together, and fight back to reclaim our home,” the site continued.
The announcement coincided with a new “Rally the Troops” trailer for the game, which contrasts the serious, down-to-business personality of Titan leader Zavala with the Hunter leader Cayde-6 — a joker played by veteran actor Nathan Fillion.
“Worst-case scenario, you die,” Cayde-6 quips in the trailer. “But who knows? Maybe you won’t!”
As with the original Destiny, PlayStation 4 owners will get access to exclusive Destiny 2 content until at least autumn 2018. Pre-ordering the game on any platform will grant early access to the beta. Though no timetable was given for when this will be, it took place in July for the first game.
If you were hoping for Destiny 2 gameplay, you’re going to have to wait a little longer. Bungie will premiere footage on May 18, just a few weeks before it will presumably be showcased at E3.
Destiny 2 hits Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on September 8. A number of special editions are also available, offering steel bookcases, multiple expansion passes, and even a customizable backpack.