Soon, you can be killed by Thanos, too. OK, not literally, of course. In Fortnite. But since a growing swath of the population seems to spend every free moment inside the breakout battle royale mode, it’s kind of the same thing, right?
Starting Tuesday, May 8, Fortnite‘s free battle royale mode will get a new game mode (via EW). Dubbed “Infinity Gauntlet Limited Time Mashup,” the mode will play very similarly to the 100-person battle royale players have come to know and love. The big difference? The Infinity Gauntlet will be located somewhere on the map. If you find it, your cartoon character will turn into Thanos, the Mad Titan himself. And, of course, you’ll garner his powers in the process. From shooting his plasma beam to ridiculous strength and speed, we imagine the player who nabs the Infinity Gauntlet will be a real tough out.
Although not confirmed, we assume that if you successfully kill Thanos, you can pick up the Infinity Gauntlet and turn into him yourself. We also foresee your built cover being decimated by Thanos’ powers pretty easily. So good luck with that.
The crossover between arguably the most popular game around and the latest box-office juggernaut came together because of exactly why you’d think — the co-directors of Avengers: Infinity War, Joe and Anthony Russo, happen to be big Fortnite fans, who would play when taking editing breaks. “And then we started thinking, how cool would it be to have some kind of Avengers–Fortnite mashup? So we stalked Donald [Mustard, worldwide creative director of Epic Games],” Joe Russo said.
During an hourlong phone conversation, the Russo brothers and Mustard came up with a preliminary idea for the game mode. Epic started working on it and the timing of the mode’s release couldn’t be more perfect, as Infinity War is on track to become the first summer movie release to hit the $2 billion mark.
It’s unclear how long the game mode will be available in Fortnite, but it will be free and playable on consoles, PC, and mobile devices.
To tide yourself over until tomorrow, check out first look at Thanos inside Fortnite. The battle royale experience probably doesn’t need a reason for more people to play, but surely Thanos’ presence will cause an uptick in people boarding the Battle Bus.