“Trouble in Zombopolis: Part One,” which is scheduled for release this summer, includes the titular Zombopolis map for play in the game’s Herbal Assault multiplayer mode.
“Dr. Zomboss and the zombies are plotting to build a Mega Zombot that, when charged, may put the fate of plant-kind in grave danger,” says the official announcement. As change-log makes mention of an “all-new Mini-Boss Battle” in Zombopolis, it’s a pretty safe bet that the Mega Zombot will, in fact, get fully charged.
The update also includes two new characters, the “bacon-caped crusader” Breakfast Brainz for the zombies and Toxic Citron for the plants. This adds to what is both a blessing and a curse in Garden Warfare 2: There are so many damn characters. While it’s nice to have so many options (it certainly keeps things from getting boring when you can unlock several variations of a corn cob), it has also created a multiplayer environment where there can be far too much indiscernible action taking place at one time.
Smaller gameplay tweaks are still being made, as well. The game launched with a ludicrously overpowered Rose character, who was subsequently rebalanced just a few weeks later. She is also receiving slight improvements to her accuracy in the new update. Kernel Corn, who still remains slightly too weak, will also receive an increase to his magazine capacity.
“Trouble in Zombopolis: Part One” launches this summer, but here’s hoping PopCap pulls a Mel Brooks and never releases a second part. Always keep the fans wanting more.