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The Border Lands is Gearbox’s retro-style Borderlands 2 prequel

Borderlands 2 demake
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Gears of War sucks. Not as a game, those games are great, but as a cultural force. Cover has ruined video game shooting. Who wants to hide behind a corner and trade shots with someone crouched behind rubble like they’re in reality or something? Video game shooting used to be about playing the angles. In Quake and Unreal, it was about circling opponents in erratic orbits, lining up perfect aim. Even further back, with your Contra and your Smash TV, it was even more rigid, locking your shots into eight directions only. Modern shooters could learn a lot from ye olde school.

Good on Gearbox then! In hyping up September’s Borderlands 2, Gearbox has taken a page out of the Dark Void playbook and made a “lost” 1989 prequel, The Border Lands. Axton, Maya, Zero, and Salvador aren’t new characters at all! They’re just the stars of the old game, brought back for 2012.

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The Border Lands isn’t as taut a game of angles as Smash TV, but the principal is the same. Each stage is a contained square with obstacles dotted about. Enemies slowly pour in dropping new gear as you fell them, and you gain levels upping your health. Sounds familiar, yes? The secret to success is placing the obstacles between you and the enemies to slow their approach.

Wait a minute.

Damnation! Even as Borderlands is brought back to the 16-bit era of game design, cover-based shooting rears its ugly, conveniently placed blocks in our path!

Joking aside, it’s an interesting exercise to see Borderlands rules boiled down to their most basic and find that they are, for the most part, just as fun on the small scale as the are writ large. The Border Lands is illuminating—Shooting bad guys and receiving a rare reward is as interesting as having a massive inventory of superpowers and guns. Being in a cramped little box instead of a living, diverse planet like Pandora doesn’t diminish the good time.

So what do all the modern amenities in proper Borderlands 2 really give the player? Is the environment its own reward? Does the OCD-inducing loot collection make the shooting and strategy richer?

Not really. Borderlands 2 does have co-op though. There’s the kicker.

Anthony John Agnello
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Anthony John Agnello is a writer living in New York. He works as the Community Manager of and his writing has…
How to increase carrying capacity in Stalker 2
Key art for Stalker 2. A character in a lit-up gas mask and a gun on their back.

Every decision you make in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl has weight to it, including what you fill your backpack with. Not only are you limited based on how big your inventory is but every item you put in it has an associated weight that adds to your total. Try to carry too much and you will become encumbered and have a difficult time moving. The last thing you want is to find a valuable stash with a great new gun or piece of gear and not be able to carry it all back to a town. There are no skill trees or levels in Stalker 2, so you might think that the weight limit you start with is what you're stuck with for the whole game, but we can show you how to increase your carrying capacity. If you're exploring the Zone, check out our other Stalker 2 tips and tricks.
How to increase carrying capacity

There are a few ways to upgrade your carrying capacity, and both revolve around upgrading your body armor. At any upgrade vendor, select your armor from the list of upgrades and select the top upgrade slot. Here, you can find the Swen-on Pockets upgrade at the end of the upgrade list. This will increase your capacity by 10%, which isn't much, but the most we've found you can get. Unlocking this upgrade will require you to first get the previous upgrades, so start investing in this tree early.

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Stalker 2: tips and tricks to survive in The Zone
A mutant with a split jaw screams in Stalker 2.

If you come into Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl expecting your previous experiences with shooters to carry you through the game, you're in for a rude awakening. This is still an FPS, but it is more of an immersive sim and hardcore survival game than anything else. You will need to adopt a very different playstyle to survive in The Zone, which is filled with mutants and bandits all ready to end your journey in a flash. The game expects you to learn its most important lessons the hard way, but you can avoid a lot of that frustration by picking up these essential tips and tricks for Stalker 2 before you dive in.
Save a lot and often

This point cannot be understated. Saving in Stalker 2 should become a reflex after doing almost anything. If you make it to a town, save. After you manage your inventory and are about to go back out into danger, save. If you hear a nearby confrontation you want to investigate, save. After you survive a gunfight, save. This isn't just because death comes so fast and you can end up losing quite a bit of progress, but also because Stalker 2 is a bit buggy, and backing up your save might end up saving your playthrough.

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Stalker 2 preload guide: release date, file size, and preorder
A Stalker from Stalker 2 looks off in the distance with a radioactive symbol behind him.

It is almost time to put on your gas masks and head back into the exclusion zone as Stalker 2 is due to arrive later this month. This series was a cult classic on PC, and many fans had been eagerly awaiting for a true sequel to arrive, making it one of the most anticipated upcoming Xbox games in addition to PC. However, the development suffered many delays over the years, the most recent being directly related to the ongoing invasion of Ukraine, where the development team was located. Despite all that, Stalker 2 is ready to put us to the test in a hardcore shooter where every choice and step could be our last. Make sure you're ready to return to Chornobyl with all the preload information we have available.
Stalker 2 release date

Stalker 2 will be released on November 20, but a specific time has not yet been given.
Stalker 2 file size

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