Could you use lots of storage for your Sony PSP? If so, Datel, a creator of video game accessories, is currently creating a 4GB hard drive which looksto connect in the same slot as the PSP’s rechargeable battery. Known as the Datel 4GB PSP Hard Drive, this hard drive also doubles as a rechargeable battery which lasts up to eight hourson a single charge. This looks to be one of the first hard drive based PSP products out there, as previous memory options have been mainly limited to 1GB or 2GB via the Pro Duo Memory Stick. As part of the current estimated street price of 150 pounds (this product hopefully will also be available in the States), Datel is also providing in the product bundle their Get Connected USB Cableand software. This particular PSP add on allows users to convert and transfer music, movies and images to the formats which the handheld gaming platform supports. More details on the Datel 4GBPSP Hard Drive bundle can be found here.