The franchise is one of the more popular international Japanese RPGs that is itself a spin-off of the Megami Tensei series, which can trace its roots back to the late 1980s. Persona games use turn-based combat with protagonists facing off against demons, shadows, and the titular “Personas,” manifestations of a character’s psyche.
But things will be drastically different in the newly announced rhythm spinoffs. Called Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night and Persona 5: Dancing Star Night, the games appear to have a lighter tone than their namesakes, though the trailers released so far do not go far in explaining what the gameplay will actually be like.
Still, fans of the games will note some familiar faces in the trailers, as well as recognizable settings.
Comments from fans appear to be reasonably positive, with a number particularly happy to return to the setting of Persona 3. Some are holding out hope that the improved visuals of this game will mean a remaster may also be in the works.
There has been no hint of such an announcement so far though, but what we do know is that these games aren’t too far away. Both rhythm spinoffs are slated for a spring 2018 release. However, they have only been confirmed in Japan, so if you are a fan who fancies breaking out your favorite moves with some of your favorite characters, keep your fingers crossed for a western release.
Even though neither game has many available details as of yet, information for Persona Q2 is even scanter. It has no trailer, no release window and no feature lists. All we have to go on is the announcement itself and a teaser site which lists the game’s name (though possibly not its full title) and the phrase “Take Your Heart” under a new logo.
If all of this excitement has you hankering for some more, don’t forget you can player Persona 5 on the PC using emulation.