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You can now play the original Resident Evil on PC in all its retro glory

Chris Redfield shooting a zombie in a hallway looking at a door behind him in the original Resident Evil game.

Capcom has made it easy to experience older Resident Evil titles with the help of its many recent remakes, but you were mostly out of luck on modern platforms if you wanted to actually play the original versions of those titles. Well, the GOG PC gaming storefront announced Wednesday that you’ll soon be able to play the first three Resident Evil games in their (mostly) original forms.

Right now, however, only Resident Evil is available. For $10, you can play the iconic 1997 survival horror game with just a few quality-of-life improvements to make it run well on your Windows 10 or 11 PC. The GOG version makes some very small changes to the gameplay, including improving the timing of cutscenes and making it easier to exit the game, and it now has support for most modern controllers.

Otherwise, this is the full version of Resident Evil, “completely uncut, with even more blood, graphic violence and gory scenes than the worldwide monster hit version on PlayStation,” the description reads. As is the case with most GOG titles, it’s also DRM-free.

GOG didn’t announce specific release windows for Resident Evil 2 or Resident Evil 3 yet (although they’re due out this year), but you can wishlist them separately on the store or purchase a $25 trilogy bundle. Buying the bundle gets you just Resident Evil for now, with the other two games added to your library once they’re released.

Unless you found a used copy or wanted to go through the complicated emulation process, there was no way to play the first Resident Evil on PC until this GOG release. You could check out the 2002 remake or the 2015 HD remaster of that remake, but there’s no true replacement for the original’s blocky graphics and delightfully awkward dialogue. Plus, in each of these the developers made large changes to elements like the control scheme and the inventory. Besides the aforementioned tweaks, the GOG version changes almost nothing, so it’s the closest you can get to experiencing it like it’s 1997.

If you can’t wait for Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3 on GOG, there are the two recent remakes, which are quite good, even if they’re based on Capcom’s way more modern Resident Evil sensibilities.

Carli Velocci
Carli is a technology, culture, and games editor and journalist. They were the Gaming Lead and Copy Chief at Windows Central…
You can’t play Baldur’s Gate 3 on Xbox, but you can play these 6 Game Pass RPGs
A player conversation in Baldur's Gate 3.

Baldur's Gate 3 just launched on PC on August 3 and comes to PlayStation 5 shortly on September 6. Unfortunately, an Xbox Series X/S version of the RPG does not have any concrete release date. Developer Larian Studios explained in a community post that this is because it doesn't "want to compromise on quality and feel it would be a shame to downscale to 30 [frames per second, aka fps] or make other compromises to hit an arbitrary date." Still, it's disappointing that Xbox players can't get in on the fun anytime soon. Thankfully, there isn't a shortage of alternatives on Microsoft's gaming platforms.
Xbox Game Pass is home to dozens of RPGs, many of which share the same computer-RPG roots as Baldur's Gate 3. While Xbox players might not be able to enjoy Larian Studios' shockingly thorough and immensely enjoyable Dungeons & Dragons CRPG just yet, they can't go wrong playing these six titles right now. 
Fallout: New Vegas

Where Baldur's Gate 3 may be the pinnacle of fantasy RPG games inspired by Dungeons & Dragons, Fallout: New Vegas is that for postapocalyptic RPGs. This game from Obsidian Entertainment and Bethesda Softworks -- both of which are now owned by Microsoft -- first released in 2010. Despite some in-game glitches that still persist, the Xbox 360 version of Fallout: New Vegas on Xbox Game Pass is just as enthralling of a role-playing experience as it was nearly 13 years ago. The Xbox 360 version can even be played at 60 fps on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, thanks to the FPS Boost feature.
Like Baldur's Gate 3, it's a faithful follow-up to some classic CRPGs that give players a massive amount of choice as they complete their adventure however they see fit. You can have endless fun exploring the world and creating experiences that feel personal to you while dealing with its eclectic cast of factions and characters. While it's a bit rough around the edges in certain aspects, New Vegas is still one of the best RPGs ever made. As such, it's worth replaying or trying first the first time if you want to play an RPG, but can't experience Baldur's Gate 3 right now.  
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Leon and Ashley in the Resident Evil 4 remake.

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Leon holding a gun in Resident Evil 4.

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