The properties attached to publisher Deep Silver’s games are beginning to take on a fairly epic tint. The publisher’s previous trailer for the game Dead Island was so well received that it garnered the attention of Hollywood and started a bidding war. It also brought the game from relative obscurity to the forefront of people’s minds, plus it was slightly amazing in general. Of course the trailer had very little to do with the actual gameplay and it was developed by a third party company with no connection to the game other than that they were hired to make the trailer, but why let details stand in the way of a good video.
Although not quite as heavy on style as the Dead Island trailer, and it actually seems to have something to do with the plot of the game, the newly released trailer for Risen 2: Dark Waters is still pretty solid. As for the game, it is too early to tell how it will all play out, but we did manage to gain a first-look a few weeks back at GDC.
Check out the clip and look for Risen 2: Dark Waters later this year on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.