Beenox, the developer behind Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions, returns to the Spider-Man universe with a new game that is not a sequel to its previous game (although it kinda is). The new Spider-Man game will feature an original stand-alone story with two distinct–and playable–Spideys operating in two dimensions. The first will be the main Spidey universe featuring the Amazing Spider-Man, while the second will take gamers to the alternate future of 2099, where Miguel O’Hara is the Spider-Man of the age.
The two dimensions will have what Beenox is calling a “cause-and-effect” relationship, where the choices made in one reality can alter those of another. For example, if a robot is being constructed in the Amazing Spider-Man’s world, but Spidey destroys it, that same robot will never have been finished to plague the 2099 Spidey. If it is not destroyed though, Miguel O’Hara will face off against it in 2099.
In the Marvel universe, different realities exist where familiar characters take on new roles in new settings. In the previous Spidey game from Beenox, four dimensions were utilized: the primary Amazing Spider-Man reality, the Ultimate Spidey dimension, Spider-Man 2099’s world, and the dimension of Spider-Man noir. In the new title, the Amazing Spider-Man teams with the 2099 Spider-Man to prevent a scientist from the 2099 realm from killing Peter Parker.
While this will be the second go-round with Spidey for Beenox, it will be the first game following Marvel’s decision to grant the developer the exclusive rights to develop Spider-Man games. Assuming this game is a success, expect to see a new Spider-Man game every year to two years.
Check out the trailer below and look for Spider-Man: Edge of Time at the end of this year on PC, Nintedo DS and 3DS, PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii.