The showcase is part of the lead-up to the debut of the upcoming CBS All Access series Star Trek: Discovery, which will take place approximately ten years prior to the events of the original Star Trek series. The 13-episode first season, created by Bryan Fuller (Pushing Daisies, Hannibal) and Alex Kurtzman (Star Trek, Star Trek Into Darkness), is set to appear in May 2017. The pilot is slated to run during a special CBS broadcast, while each subsequent episode will stream on CBS All Access on a weekly basis.
CBS All Access subscribers will also be able to stream every television episode of the Star Trek franchise on demand. CBS All Access subscriptions start at $6 per month, which gives users access to a large library of CBS shows, as well as the ability to stream live programs.
Alcatel is an official partner with CBS All Access for the upcoming TV series, and the VR experience is their first digital marketing presentation in conjunction with the show.
Trekkies interested in engaging in a more hands-on VR experience can look forward to the upcoming cooperative game Star Trek: Bridge Crew from Ubisoft and Red Storm Entertainment.
Alcatel’s VR experience will be added to CBS’ YouTube channel as a 360 video. We will update this article with the video when it has been uploaded.