Destiny is hosting a third Iron Banner event on December 16, according to a new update on Iron Banner is a limited time competition for the game’s PvP-focused Crucible in which each player’s armor and firepower are dictated by their experience level. Typically, all player stats are auto-balanced in Crucible, to make for fairer, skill-based match-ups
Event standings from previous Iron Banners will be reset, as Bungie promised previously, giving everyone a fresh chance to earn glory on the battlefield. Winners will have the opportunity to earn powerful gear that can bring them up to level 31.
This is the second Iron Banner since the gameplay was tweaked to make the disparities between player power levels more meaningful. The first Iron Banner in October was criticized for limiting high level players’ power too aggressively, a function put in place to give lower level players a fighting chance.
Bungie responded to the criticism with a reconceived take on Iron Banner that better takes into account differing power levels. To a low-ranked player, a level 30 has the health equivalent of a boss from PvE. What’s more, only players at level 20 and above can lead Crucible fireteams in Iron Banner matches. Lower level players can join, but are at a serious disadvantage against players more than three levels above them.
The new Iron Banner follows closely on the release of Destiny‘s first expansion, The Dark Below, on December 9. It’s not necessary to buy The Dark Below to participate in the Iron Banner battles.