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Watch everything Microsoft unleashed at its E3 2015 Xbox event in 3 minutes

Microsoft kicked off E3 this year with plenty of news for Xbox gamers — plus a few treats for PC gamers and VR fans. Plenty of new exclusive titles for the Xbox One like Halo 5, Gears of War and more were announced on the big stage, along with Xbox One backwards compatibility, and the new Xbox One Elite controller. Live demos of Minecraft in augmented reality gave an early peek at the gaming possibilities of Microsoft’s Hololens headset.

We boiled down everything Microsoft had to uncover during the two-hour keynote into just three quick minutes. Get the low-down on all of the latest Xbox news you need to know in DT’s highlight reel.

Joshua Smith
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Just another not so ordinary kid living this thing we like to call life.
E3 2021 is officially a free, all-digital event featuring Nintendo, Microsoft, more
E3 2020 contingency plans

The ESA finally revealed the first official details about E3 2021 after months of rumors. The show will be all-digital in 2021 and feature many major gaming studios -- and some notable absences.

E3 2021 will take place from June 12 to June 15 as originally scheduled. While the ESA danced around whether or not the show would be in-person, today it officially confirmed a full digital pivot. The ESA previously said that the event would be a "reimagined" version of the show.

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Neverwinter Nights just received a new update, 23 years after its original release
A screenshot from Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition.

The 2002 RPG Neverwinter Nights is a masterclass in game design. Now 23 years old, the community behind Neverwinter Nights has kept the game alive and active all this time — and it has been given a new, unofficial update "by unpaid software engineers from the NWN community." This patch includes several quality-of-life improvements, graphical fixes, and performance boosts to keep the game running smoothly on modern hardware. For reference, roughly a year after Neverwinter Nights, BioWare released the cult-classic Knights of the Old Republic. BioWare was at the height of its prowess with regard to storytelling and gameplay.

Despite the game's age, it still has a long-standing community of fans and creators that give Neverwinter Nights nearly unlimited replayability. In addition to The Wailing Death campaign that comes with the original release of the game, Neverwinter Nights also has two other campaigns: Horde of the Underdark and Shadows of the Undrentide. If none of those tickle your fancy, then the fan-made campaigns might be the place to look. Think about it like a homebrew DnD campaign, except that it's all programmed for you to play through at your leisure. There are dozens of fan-made campaigns to choose from, many of which are on-par with original Wizards of the Coast content in terms of quality.

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You Asked: What’s the most impressive thing you saw at CES?
You Asked CES Editors Cut

On today’s special edition of You Asked, we tracked down each of our editors and put them on the spot to find out what they thought was the most impressive thing they saw at CES 2025 in Early January. Let’s find out what they had to say.
Panasonic Z95B

There’s been some really cool TV tech at CES, but the thing I’m most excited about is the new Panasonic Z95B. Instead of the regular OLED display structure we’ve seen in recent years with MLA technology, this uses a four-layer panel structure. It features individual red, green, and blue layers (two of the latter) for the emissive light.

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