No doubt over the past year many of you have slain mighty gods, beaten the fastest racers in the universe, and saved whole civilizations from destruction — on your Xbox. Microsoft wants to help celebrate those milestones in your gaming life with something rather medieval: a coat of arms, custom designed to reflect your gaming achievements and preferences.
It’s all part of the new Reign of You page that Microsoft has launched, where you can sign in to your account, to get a rundown of all your stats and figures from the past 12 months (the stats actually run from January 1 through October), giving you a breakdown of your achievements, gamer score, and unlocks throughout that time. You can also see how you measure up against the wider Xbox community.
However the big attraction is of course the custom crest that is created for you based on your gaming stats. It factors in the types of games you play, the platform you play on most, and more.
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The end result is a coat of arms that features some elaborate weaponry, some gaming iconography, and lots of destructive pieces of equipment. Above it all is a scroll with your gamertag on it, while beneath is a custom Latin phrase that Microsoft’s automated tool puts together for you.
Mine for example, in the crest above, reads “bonum,” which translates simply to “Good.” Not the most inspiring. Others, like Xbox engineering lead Mike Ybarra’s crest (thanks Gamespot), ended up with “In Ultio Pace,” which translates to Revenge is Peace, which sounds far cooler.
If there are aspects of your crest you don’t ultimately like, you can change them. There are little sections you can click on the site to do so, tweaking the background images, the foreground icons and some of the additional styling. What you can’t change however is the number of stars nor your animal icon. Those are based on how much you’ve played on the Xbox platform, which judging from the above crest should show you my own status as a PC gamer.