Hot on the heals of our recent review of Logitech’s Wireless DJ Music System, Slim Device’s Squeezebox and Transporter will become a wholly-owned subsidiary ofLogitech. Slim Devices will retain its executive structure and all of its current emplyoees will stick around for the long haul working out of their Mountain View office.
Sean Adams, Slim Devices CEO, posted the announcement in their community forums before anypress releases where released: "As we got to know [Logitech’s] executive team, it became clear that there was a compelling opportunity for us to work together to bring Slim Devices’products to the mainstream market."
Adams continues by mentioning the obvious benefits for both parties: "This is an opportunity for us to introduce Squeezebox and Transporter more quickly to a lot more people. Slim Devices willbenefit from Logitech’s brand, their retail channel, their expertise in developing quality hardware, and their existing portfolio of complementary products such as speakers andremotes."
Read the official press release on Logitech’s Web site.