Adobe took the wraps off a new line of software Monday with the release of Adobe Digital Editions 1.0. The new software is supposed to serve as a viewer for a virtual library of publications including eBooks and digital newspapers.
With built-in support for Adobe’s own PDF format and a slim download size of 3MB, it appears as though Digital Editions could be a beefed up replacement for Adobe Acrobat. Additional features that Acrobat lacks include Flash support, organization of content through bookshelves, and a new user interface that is intended to make the zooming and scrolling process easier. Users can also annotate content with bookmarks, highlighting and text notes.
An export feature built into Adobe InDesign CS3 will allow designers to easily digitize their print work in a format already optimized for the new software package. Additionally, Sony has pledged to build a hardware reader that supports the software.
“Adobe Digital Editions will revolutionize how publishers deliver eBooks and other digital content and how consumers experience it,” said Rob Tarkoff, senior vice president of corporate development at Adobe, in a statement. “The combination of Adobe Digital Editions, InDesign CS3 and a new generation of hardware from innovators like Sony shows that digital publishing is front and center for content owners – and millions of readers who are looking forward to innovations in the delivery of their favorite works.”
Like Acrobat, Digital Editions is available as a free download from Adobe’s Web site.