It’s definitely Web 2.0. New channel CNN has opened an I-Report hub in the virtual world Second Life. It’s notto bring news from real life to residents, but to report on events that happen in the virtual world – using stories and images generated by those who are there. "The thing we mosthope to gain by having a CNN presence in Second Life is to learn about virtual worlds and understand what news is most interesting and valuable to their residents," said Susan Grant, executivevice president of CNN News Services.
The idea would be that when SL residents see a newsworthy event, they’d shoot a video of it and pass it to CNN there. Selected news submissions would be available for residents to view, and written reports and comments would be available on CNN’s SL I-Report Blog.
CNN will also have an in-world I-Report hub on Second Life. Other than being used for meetings, it will also have an amphitheater for events, which will include appearances by CNN anchors.