We’ve heralded this idea before, but not everyone wants a sleek, high-tech looking case for their Kindle or iPad. Yes, your device is a shiny high-tech toy that is admired for its newness, but sometimes it’s nicer to cover it in something a little more classic and natural. Leather is always a great option for the classic businessman look, but if you want something that stands out in a sea of hard plastic, we love these rustic (yes, just like the name) cases made from masculine wool and leather. The Rustic Case Company makes beautiful handmade cases for the iPad 2 ($50) and the Kindle 3 ($40) that are crafted in a charcoal grey mix of 80% wool and 20% polyester with worn brown leather accents. It’s a simple sleeve without bells and whistles, so it won’t hold any extras, but we’d be proud to carry our iPad 2 around in one of these woolen cases. All of the materials used to make the cases are sourced in New England, where they are made by hand.