Amazon now has a sequel to its Prime Day event, which was held in July this year, in the form of its Prime Early Access Sale. This event, running on October 11 and 12, sees deals across the Amazon store on everything from electronics to home goods, and it's the perfect chance to pick up some extras to make your home tech-ready for the winter. One upgrade that can really improve your quality of life, especially if you work from home or have a larger house, is setting up a mesh network. If you're fed up with your Wi-Fi dropping out or having dead spots in your home, then a mesh network system can help. And now you can score a great deal on the Netgear Orbi Mesh Wi-Fi System, which is less than half price at $99, down from $200.
Why you should buy the Netgear Orbi Mesh Wi-Fi System
If you've been browsing mesh router reviews and best-ofs, then you're probably familiar with the RBK13's older sibling, the Netgear Orbi RBK50, especially given its striking design. Of course, the Orbi RBK50 is pretty expensive, which is why Netgear released the Orbi RBK13, a much more affordable version of the home mesh system that removes some features in exchange for the lower price. The main difference is that the RBK50 is tri-band while the RBK13 is dual-band, a 2.4GHz one and a 5GHz band with a combined theoretical maximum of 1.2Gbps speed. It also means that the dedicated backchannel has been removed, and while that may affect performance slightly, you probably won't notice the difference unless your internet speeds are pushing past 300Mbps, which most folks aren't, so this is a great mesh Wi-Fi Prime Day deal if you fit the bill.