Quoting a survey on moneysupermarket.com, Reuters has said that, in a sign of the times, one in seven Britons– some 15 per cent – claims to have been dumped from a relationship by text or e-mail. “Most of us send emails and texts everyday, so it comes as no surprise they are now being usedto ditch someone, however distasteful this is,” said Rob Barnes from moneysupermarket.com. Looking to the future, one per cent admitted they would use a social network, such as Facebook or Bebo, to announce the end of a relationship – which means those personal pages could make for very interestingreading in times to come. However, even those who are dumped by text are ahead of some people. A total of four per cent of the 2,194 respondents said that’d dumped lovers in the past bysimply ending all contact without explanation.