Online comedy studio JibJab is keeping up their end of year tradition, releasing a new online parody “Nuckin’ Futs,” summarizing and satirizing American culture in 2006. Set to the well-known “Jingle Bells” melody, the spoof features a chorus of school children singing about public figures like Britney Spears, Donald Rumsfeld, Lance Bass, and Mel Gibson, as well as international figures like Saddam Hussein and Fidel Castro.
The video appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno Tuesday, December 12, and went live on both and It’s the eighth JibJab video to premiere on the Tonight Show.
“The Web gives us the creative freedom to make videos we think are funny without having to worry about what a studio executive is going to think,” said Gregg and Evan Spiridellis, co-founders of JibJab, in a statement. “We are in the midst of a media revolution where mega-media conglomerates are losing their grip on the audience and new brands like JibJab are being born. It’s a very exciting time to be creative entrepreneurs.”
JibJab’s previous election-year parodies, “This Land” and “Good to be in DC!” were viewed more than 80 million times during the 2004 presidential election, turning JibJab into something of a household name and causing ABC News to name Gregg and Evan Spiridellis “People of the Year.” JibJab has used its notoriety to develop a branded digital comedy network, partnering with the likes of director John Landis and “Weird” Al Yankovic.