The chainsaw bar doesn’t actually move. The gear that would ordinarily move the chain is connected to the blender gear instead. Warren also replaced the saw chain with a bicycle chain, so if anyone does get too close they won’t get cut by chainsaw teeth. When he connected the blender and chainsaw motors, Warren made aimed to simplify the process, but that means the blender starts turning as soon as you turn it on.
The parts Warren used in his contraption included a 37cc 2-stroke chain saw, an inexpensive blender, a motorcycle handle bar with throttle grip and cable, a bicycle chain, and a left-handed threaded hex nut. According to Warren, blenders and chainsaws both spin clockwise and the motor shafts are left-handed, which made it easier to combine the two devices.
Should you be inspired to construct your own chainsaw blender, there are 29 steps in Warren’s completely explained and photographed instructions on the website. His assembly looks clean and shiny, so it will probably pay to clean the chainsaw and the handlebars before putting it all together.
It’s also advisable to take on this project before the first margarita. And be careful. Also, be aware that there’s something about chainsaws, perhaps it’s three decades worth of Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies, that make some people a bit nervous around them. Those will be the people you see move to the back of the crowd. Chances are they’ll need their drinks delivered to them.