Sounds like a genius idea doesn’t it? Program your Roomba Vacuum to clean your home while you are away at work and everything is spotless by the time you get home. Well now it’s a reality. The new Roomba Scheduler includes built-in scheduling technology that allows people to program the new robot to clean floors at a certain time each day, seven days a week.
If you have an existing Roomba Discovery series model, then you can add the new scheduling functionality to your vacuum without having to purchase a new one. Once the cleaning times are programmed into the Roomba, the remote control beams the schedule wirelessly to the Roomba which starts to clean.
The iRobot Scheduler accessory pack works with all Roomba Discovery series models, including Roomba Red, Roomba Pink Ribbon Edition, Roomba Discovery and Roomba Discovery SE. The kit includes a Scheduler remote, two Scheduler Virtual Walls and a software update cord, which is used to transfer the new Scheduler software to your existing Roomba.
iRobot Roomba Scheduler will be available in August for $329.99 at and in September at Sears, Best Buy, Kohl’s, Linens N Things,, Brookstone and Meijer.