In 2002, iRobot released the Roomba with the goal of changing our cleaning habits. It also spawned one of the greatest YouTube videos of all time: a cat wearing a shark costume while riding the vac. Now, nearly 15 years later, the innovative autonomous robotic vacuum cleaner could change America’s favorite game. No, not baseball. Beer pong.
A video entitled “Roomba Pong” has racked up more than 400,000 views since YouTube user Megan Noll uploaded it. The footage shows a group of people playing a game of backyard beer pong, but instead of placing the cups on top of a table (boring!), the cups are taped on top of two moving Roombas.
Roombas have a series of sensors that allow them to avoid obstacles when cleaning your home. They can also detect steep drops, which keeps them from falling down stairs, or in this case, off beer pong tables.
While the above video certainly shows an interesting twist on an old drinking game, we wouldn’t expect Roomba Pong (aka, Beeroomba) to catch on. One of the biggest appeals of beer pong is that it costs practically nothing to play. All you need is beer, some cups, and a ping pong ball. Adding a Roomba adds an interesting element to the game, but it also adds a $325 price tag (at least).
Still, at least one other group decided that the best use for their autonomous robotic vacuum cleaner was to move red cups around a table. It could be a fun way to spend Fourth of July weekend, but we shudder to think what might happen should one — or all — of those cups happen to spill all over the bot. Not even the Braava, iRobot’s robotic mop, could likely save its vacuum friend.
Drink, and beer pong, responsibly.