For the Foursquare-obsessed, checking in to every possible venue you enter is an absolute must even if there aren’t any perks at the particular location. Now, you can add a good cause to your social media activity if you check into participating Starbucks locations between June 1 and 10, 2012. The coffee giant is teaming up with Foursquare and (RED) global fund to donate $1 for every check-in received during that time period.
As part of the (RED)RUSH to Zero campaign, Starbucks aims to raise $250,000 between the first ten days of June via its active Foursquare customers in the U.S. and Canada. Since this is a global effort, Bugaboo (stroller design company) and Penfolds (winery) will also donate the same amount when people check into select Bugagoo retailers in America, United Kingdom, Spain, or Australia, as well as Bonefish Grill restaurants in the states.
Since Foursquare allows users to create their own listing, if you want to ensure you’re participating in the right location, use the Search app on the online campaign page to see which listing is official. Checking into participating locations during the campaign period also earns you the (RED)RUSH to Zero badge to show your friends what a coffee addict and global enthusiast you are. All jokes aside, your check-in’s may actually save lives, and this is one of the best uses of social media we’ve seen.
“At Foursquare, we love to see the ways that technology can be used to improve the world, and we are excited to see our community get involved in the effort to fight AIDS and raise awareness,” Foursquare CEO Dennis Crowley told The Next Web. “This is the largest non-profit campaign that Foursquare has been a part of and we are proud to be partnering with (RED)RUSH.”
As for the campaign name, the organization hopes that by using social media, it can get more people involved in a faster, more viral pace. (RED) has partnerships with many popular brands and companies, including Gap, Converse, Belvedere, Apple, Coca-Cola, American Express, and more. Starbucks has worked with (RED) since 2008 and donated approximately $10 million to date. The global fund is hoping to have an AIDS-free generation by 2015.
If you’re already an adamant Foursquare user, don’t forget to participate in the cause starting tomorrow. Even if you don’t like Starbucks, you’re not required to buy a drink and just check in to help contribute a little dollar. With just a few clicks from your end, we have no doubt participating partners will reach their goal (and beyond) with ease.