Owning a perfectly distressed leather bag like these usually takes a considerable amount of time. Maybe your grandfather handed down his luggage bags to your father and then to you, by which time they had gained the unmistakable texture and look of well-used and well-loved bags that had made it through years of trips and travels relatively unharmed. Buying a bag like that new is usually impossible, or in other cases a terrible disaster of faux-vintage texture. The people over at Tumi luggage, however, have crafted a collection of bags for spring that are not only useful and fashionable in any fabric, but come in a perfectly distressed brown leather that looks like it has already been loved for years. The Tumi Alpha Bravo Collection ($295+) consists of six different bags, from a classic rucksack to essential totes like the bags shown above, all in the collection’s full-grain burnished brown leather, with dark brown handles and accents. Leather handles ensure that you have a good grip, and monogramming is available for any of the bags.