Oops, they’ve done it again. This time YouTube has upset the British Stammering Association by posting videos ofstammerers and marking them as comedy. Appearing on BBC Radio and quoted in the Guardian, Association director LeeGeddes found nothing humorous in the videos, calling some of them “malicious and stereotypical.” He said he’d e-mailed YouTube in an attempt to have them either remove orchange the category of the videos, but they’d only responded by claiming that the posted videos did not violate their terms of service. That led Geddes to make and post his own video on the site in an attempt to give people a wider understanding of the problems of stammerers. In it he explained, "If you meetsomeone who stammers, try and understand what it is like for them. And if you think stammering is a joke, just spend a few moments imagining how you would feel if you knew exactly what you wanted tosay, but you couldn’t actually say it."